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Acls 精华 pdf-Each ACLS algorithm is designed to simplify the process for the management and treatment of patients experiencing a cardiovascular emergency or progressing toward a cardiovascular emergency Most often these emergencies are related to an arrhythmia which must be identified and then treated with the appropriate ACLS algorithm Selection of the appropriate ACLS ACL目前只能是个Audit tools,不能象SAS一样上升到BI的高度,只能恨其不争。 有些国际公司做内部审计时,曾指定要用ACL做抽样,可以防止审计人员放飞机。 ACL数据处理量比EXCEL大很多,但量大到一定程度,我们还是要用SQL server,这方面Jacky是资深人士。 EXCEL

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