This is a dice roller for the Star Wars RPG lines Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force & Destiny from Fantasy Flight Games Select the dice to roll and click the button Share roll results on gaming forums using bbCode or RuBB Secure Dice Brandon Blackmoor Free (GPL) (source, ) RPG Library Secure Dice is a free online dice roller which will generate random numbers, generate a MD5 checksum of the results, and email those results to the email address(es) you specify Please whitelist or subscribe webmaster@rpglibraryorg to ensure delivery of your dice rollsNonConventional Dice Roller Use the following virtual dice roller to mimic dice that have a different number of faces from the conventional 6faced die The most common physical dice have 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and faces respectively, with 6faced die comprising the majority of dice

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Download Group RPG Dice Roller and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Remote D&D Role playing game (RPG) die roller app for one or more players The DM and each player can view rolls of the other players in realtime over the Internet on their mobile devices Also great as a standalone, feature rich dieroller!Discover, create and manage your random table and random generator collection Leave your massive book collection at home and let Chartopia simplify the complexity of dice rolling so that you can concentrate on the story Find out more of what Chartopia has to offer I tend to use Irony Games' dice roller, which'll email the results to both player & GM and is PGP authenticated There's also a version which skips the email part I've also just been directed to this site, which lets you roll multiple types of dice
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Statistically, this does not match the randomness of an actual die roll, but it's a good replacement when you have no dice or when dice would be inconvenientRPG Pro Dice is a simple, intuitive, and effective dice rolling app for tabletop role playing games (RPGs) and wargames It features rolling all the standard polyhedral dice, as well as complex formula of multiple dice added together Finally, sound options are configurable to allow or silence rolling sounds, and reactions for natural 1s and s!If your heart isn't set on email or a specific forum as the mechanism, you can play over your own subforum using a site like rpgnet or even Slack which have built in dice rollers Alternately, for real time (both you and the player are online at the same time), you can use Roll For PBEM, this is not likely to be the norm, but it is an option

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This is a dice roller for the Genesys RPG line from Fantasy Flight Games Select the dice to roll and click the buttonRPG Dice is intended to be a universal RPG dice roller It's not there yet, but it's coming along It currently has what I believe to be a universal dice parser, which is the core of what makes this work Multiplayer 3D dice roller NEWS In May I migrate site to new webengine It will help me to manage my expenses on the site Traffic costs me almost $0 per month Just what I need to take care of the dice part for my online RPG I do have one small feature request though I'd very much like to be able to do simple math with the rolls

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A number of rolls if you want to repeat the same roll for a number of times, use the repeat command If you also want the sum of the rolls, use sum instead of repeatDungeon Dice Roller A calculator to roll role playing game dice Offers a simple calculator to roll a single d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d, and d100 as well as an advanced calculator to roll multiple dice of the same type This was created as a college class projectThis is a competitive online multiplayer board game based on the popular classic Snakes and Ladders Players need to roll the dice and advance through the board Avoid snakes and try to land on ladders to get to the finish line faster Play it with friends for better gaming experience Playsorg published this game in 2 Player Dice / One Comment

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RPG players, Board gamers and D&D fans can use DnDice as a dice roller, just like in the real world There are several modes which you can choose in this game 1) Dice Sum Mode – the final score depends on not only the sum of the dice but also on the modifier;Roll For Your Party A multiuser dice roller Send the URL to your friends!Yachty Dice GamesYatzy is a free board dice games A multiplayer you could play with bubbies and fun offline game you probably can play wherever Yachty is a traditional time killer for you and fantastic household pastime People call it yatzy, yachty, yahtzy, yatzie, poker cube or some

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Remote D&D Role playing game (RPG) die roller app for one or more players The DM and each player can view rolls of the other players in realtime overModifiers Append any of the following modifiers to the roll EX Explode dice Any roll of X or greater on an individual dieRealm Engine is, at its heart, an indepth 3D world builder & virtual tabletop that was built to be flexible enough to support the most popular tabletop RPGs and wargaming scenarios you to create the perfect map for each encounter, from dynamic lighting, animated miniatures & spell effects even 3d terrain sculpting

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